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Did you know that MelanAid offers a Self Care Program with all you need to feel better?: Guidance, Knowledge & Natural Nutritional Products to help you achieve great health and ease within your bodies.

We recommend a Duration of 3 Months on the Self Care Program and that you continue to eat natural there after to keep your good health.Trust me when i say a lifestyle change will help reverse the:

7 Stages of Acidosis which causes sickness:

1. Loss of Energy

2. Sensitivity/Irritation(IBS)

3. Mucus/Congestion

4. Inflammation

5. Induration: Hardening of the soft tissues (Lupus, Lyme, Fibromyalgia, harden arteries, plaque)

6. Ulceration

7. Degeneration: (Cancer, heart, heart disease, stroke, AIDS, ALM, MS, diabetes)

This knowledge is sound information from Dr. Robert Young

Have you had a diagnosis from your MD to determine what stage you are at? If no, by share symptoms that you are experiencing will help you determine the stage you are at. I use to be at stage 3, always suffering with sinus issues. since i changed my diet I no longer suffer with sinusitis. most illnesses are due to Nutrient deficiency.

The solution is to boost on Minerals, Eat natural, more raw foods, stop eating and drinking acid causing foods such as meats, processed foods, GMO Foods, Sugar, Dairy, Fermented Foods, Alcohol & Fast Foods. Drink more coconut water, spring water, cucumber water & more fruits. 

If you are experiencing any stage of acidosis please contact us for a Self Care Package to begin your restoration and repair today.